نقلاً عن سلسة كوكتيل 2000 العدد رقم 40 "المتحورون" للكاتب العظيم د.نبيل فاروق
حبيبي (دراسة)
الحب عيب !! حرام !! خطأ !!
هذا ما تربينا عليه في طفولتنا، و نشأنا و نحن نسمعه من اّبائنا، و معلمينا، و أهلنا، و كل كبير نلتقي به، و يصنع من نفسه واعظاً، لتلقيننا مبادئ الحياة، دون أن يطالبه أحد بهذا...
المدهش أن أحد لم يحاول تحذيرنا من الكراهية..و البغض..و الغيرة..و الحسد...
كل المشاعر السيئة كانت بالنسبة لهم أمراً عادياً، و سليماً، و لا غبار عليه...
فقط الحب هو الخطأ.. كل الخطأ!!!
موروث عجيب، توارثناه لقرون من الزمان، وغرسوه في عقولنا...و عروقنا...و قلوبنا..و حتي في نخاعنا..
و العجيب أننا لم نتوقف لحظة؛ لنناقش هذه التحذيرات، و نحاول فهمها و أستيعابها..
فمادام الحب أمر خطير وسيئ إلي هذا الحد، فكيف يمكن أن نناقشه؟! .. بل و من سيسمح لنا بهذا؟!
فمنذ عقود و عقود، صنعوا أسواراً عالية و سميكة حول الحب، ذلك الشعور الغريزي، الذي لا يمكنك منعه، أو كبحه، أو تجاهله..
و لأن الحب ينمو في الأعماق، و يجري في العروق مجري الدم، كنا نعجز عن مقاومته و كبحه...
و كنا نحب..
و نهوي..
و نعشق..
ثم نشعر بالذنب..
و الخزي..
و العار..
لأنهم نجحوا في عمليات غسيل المخ، و أقنعونا أن الحب حرام، فإننا نشعر دوماً بالتوتر، كلما ساورتنا مشاعر الحب..
و كنا نستغفر الله(سبحانه و تعالى)، و نصلي كثيراً، طالبين المغفرة..
فقط لأننا أحببنا...ثم كبرنا...و كبرت معنا مخاوفنا...وتعظم الشعور بالخزي مع الحب أكثر و أكثر..
و بالذات لدى الإناث..
فالمجتمعات الشرقية بطبعها، تركز عدوانيتها كلها تجاه الإناث، بإعتبارهن كائنات سريعة و سهلة الخطأ، مرهفة الحس، من اليسير إقاعها في فخ الحب و العشق، من أي محتال..
و كوسيلة لحماية الإناث، إعتاد الكل محاصرة مشاعرهن، و إرهابهن بأنهن سيواجهن العقاب، و العار، و الغضب الإلهي أيضاً، لو أنهن أحببن!!!
و اصبحت هذه هي القاعدة..
أن تخفي الأنثي الشرقية مشاعرها...
أن تحتويها..
و تزيفها..
و لا تفصح عنها أبداً..
حتي بعد أن ترتبط بزوج المستقبل، وشريك العمر، تظل تلك القاعدة عميقة في رأسها..و في كل ذرة من كيانها...
و لأن كل ما يستخدم ينمو، وكل ما يهمل يضمر، فقد ضمرت مشاعر الأنثي..
و تحجرت..
و بالنسبة لكل الأجيال السابقة علي الأقل، صار من العسير أن تفصح المرأة عن مشاعرها و حبها..
حتي لزوجها!!
و العجيب أن الحياة قد استمرت، علي الرغم من هذا..
استمرت باردة..
استمرت لتحفر معالمها علي وجوه المتزوجين والمتزوجات...
علي عيونهم..
و شفاههم..
و حتي أصواتهم..
و لأن فقدان الحب يجعل الحياة سقيمة خشنة، فقد إختفت البسمة من الشفاه، كما ستلاحظ حتماً، إذا ما راقبت وجوه السائرين في أي مكان..
و انحفر البؤس..
و الهم..
و الغضب..
بل و الثورة أحيانا علي الوجوه..
كل الوجوه..
السؤال الاّن هو لماذا؟!
لماذا نحارب الحب، بكل هذه الشراسة؟!
لماذا نتعامل معه بقسوة..
و غلظة..
و عدوانية..
ما الذي نربحه، عندما يخلو العالم من الحب؟!
ما الذي يسعد حياتنا و عمرنا؟!
الحب أيها السادة، هو أعظم و أروع شعور في الوجود، فلماذا نقتله في أعماق أعماقنا، و نمضي في حياتنا بدونه؟!
لماذا نحذفه من قلوبنا، فلا يتبقي فيها سوي كل شعور سلبي؟!
هل ألقيتم علي أنفسكم يوماً هذا السؤال؟!
بل، و هل حاولتم أن تحبوا؟!
لو أردتم أن تجربوا أعظم شعور في الوجود، فأحبوا.. أحبوا..أحبوا..
و ألدءوا بحب أنفسكم.. أحبوا ما أنتم عليه.. أحبوا هيئتكم...و عقولكم...و حياتكم...
فإذا ما أحببتم أنفسكم، فستبدءون في حب كل شئ اّخر..
وكل شخص اّخر..
ابتسامة و احدة يومياً، يمكن أن تكون بداية جيدة..
ابتسامة كل صباح.. ابتسامةلصديق..أو قريب...أو جار..ولا تندهسوا من هذا...أو تتعجبوه...أو تستنكروه...بل حاولوه...أبتسموا للحياة...
و تحرروا من كل مخاوفكم عن الحب...ومن الحب...و استعيدوا ذاكرتكم...
هل رأيتم يوماً شخصاًيحب؟!
هل ساهدتم مدي بهجته...و سعادته...و حبوره...و حيويته...و نشاطه...
هل راقبتم إقباله علي الحياة...وعشقه لها...و طموحاته الكبيرة فيها؟!
لو رأيتم، و شعرتم، و راقبتم،وأدركتم كل هذا، فأعلموا أن السبب الوحيد له، هو أنه يحب...
ثم سلوا أنفسكم بعدها: أمن الضروري بالفعل أن نبقي بلا حب؟!
أمن المحتم أن نفتقد الحب...و الحياة...و الإبتسام؟!!
فإذا عثرتم علي جوابا لسؤال، و نجحتم في التخلص من كل رواسب الماضي، فابدأوا مرحلة جديدة..
مرحلة الحب..
وقبل أن تنزعجوا من كلماتي هذه، ألقوا علي أنفسكم سؤالاً أخيراً
و ليه لأ؟!
رائعة ... كلامك أكثر من رائع ... فعلا ترك تأثير فى نفسى
سيدى انت فعلا عبرت عما فى نفسي
وفعلا ابدعت فى نقلك
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أوافقك في جزء مما قيل الا وهو :
أنه يجب أن نحذر أبنائنا من الكراهيه كتحذيرنا لهم من الحب !
لكن قولك في أن الحياة باهته وجافه لأن المرأة لاتتفوه بكلمات الحب الا بعد أن تتزوج، فلا أظنه صحيحا !!
فنحن نعلم أن الشعوب الأجنبيه تبيح بمشاعرها كما يجب ، ومقابل ذلك فلا نرى أنهم ينعمون بالسعادة التي ادعيتها .... فلما نسعى دائماً لتشويه عادتنا العربيه ، وإنقاص قدرها ، على الرغم من أن مايوازيها في الحياة لدى المجتمعات الاخرى ليس بأفضل حال ٍ منها ؟
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ero maxx -
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fresh auditions -
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fresh teens -
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fucking abuse -
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ero maxx -
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gay college sex parties -
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ero maxx -
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foot cravings -
foot erotica -
fresh auditions -
fresh facials -
fresh teens -
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fucking abuse -
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guys go crazy -
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his first huge cock -
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housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
jenny heart -
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latina sex -
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squirt hunter -
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college wild parties -
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dildo brutality -
double anal plugged -
dream kelly -
drunk sex orgy -
ebony cheeks -
ero maxx -
first time swallows -
foot cravings -
foot erotica -
fresh auditions -
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fresh teens -
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fucking abuse -
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fully clothed pissing -
gangbang squad -
gape her ass -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
gay hitchhiker -
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gooey holes -
guys go crazy -
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her first big cock -
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insane cock brothas -
jenny heart -
just facials -
kinky mature sluts -
knee high sox -
latina sex -
lick that ass -
lucky lesbians -
mad sex party -
man hunter -
me fuck you long time -
milf seeker -
mondo rossi -
my fetish -
my sex tour -
naughty nati -
newbie girls -
new solos -
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road side pickups -
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scoreland -
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she got pimped -
shemale ambush -
shots of cum -
simple fucks -
slut movies -
sluts on a leash -
smoking foxes -
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all about ashley -
all wam -
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teens try anal -
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squirting snatches -
straight goes gay -
superb teen snatch -
taco twats -
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teens natural way -
teens try anal -
teens want orgies -
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terri summers -
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we need new talents -
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amateurs gone bad -
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gushing gashes -
guys go crazy -
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his first threesome -
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plug 2 holes -
preggo poontang -
pure teen porn -
pussy punishers -
real and natural -
reality porn pass -
real trannies -
road gangbangs -
rug munchin -
sadistic sluts -
sarennas world -
school bus chicks -
score videos -
senior slutfest -
seventeen live -
seventeen video -
sexy preggo sluts -
shay laren -
shemale schlongs -
show me gape -
shy teachers pet -
sin cindy -
smooth snatches -
sodomy studs -
squirting snatches -
straight goes gay -
superb teen snatch -
taco twats -
tasteless toons -
teach my ass -
teenages going wild -
teencore zine -
teen dirt bags -
teens go porn -
teens natural way -
teens try anal -
teens want orgies -
teen thrills -
terri summers -
tiffany towers -
tranny bangin -
tranny treats -
try teens -
tug job queens -
twinks from the hood -
two cocks one box -
victoria redd -
voluptuous -
we need new talents -
white bitch bangin -
white pussy black cocks -
white teens black cocks -
wild latina girls -
wild solos -
xl girls -
young stacy -
young throats -
her first ass to mouth -
18 eighteen -
40 something mag -
adult associate -
adult movie network -
adult video network -
adult xxx pornstars -
amateurs gone bad -
anal sex lessons -
anita dark -
asian cream -
autumn jade -
banged by a gang -
banging machines -
bangkok bangers -
beijing beavers -
big betty bangin -
big bush beavers -
big cock bangers -
big tit buffet -
big tit invasion -
bisexual bangers -
bitchin movies -
bobbi eden -
booty licious mag -
bound and banged -
brooke skye -
brown sugar sluts -
burrito bitches -
busty angelique -
busty dusty stash -
busty ines cudna -
busty kelly kay -
busty kerry marie -
busty merilyn -
butt bang boys -
butt bomber -
butt fuck bonanza -
cartoon cooters -
cartoon copulations -
cash strapped teens -
chloes world -
clit lickin lesbians -
club charlie -
college fuck tour -
college party time -
colossal cumshots -
corn hole cruisers -
crazy club chicks -
cream filled holes -
cream of cunt -
crissy moran -
cum filled throat -
cum swallowing lessons -
cum swapping bitches -
cum swapping twinks -
curious hunks -
cute halle -
desiraes world -
dick sucking dudes -
digi dolls -
dirty babysitter -
double dong divas -
double team suckers -
drill her butt -
drunk sex orgy -
ebony exclusive -
ebony girls online -
facial fiasco -
faith belle -
fatty farm -
filthy feeds -
filthy toon fuckers -
flabby females -
fucked by frank -
gangbanged girls -
gangbang lessons -
gangland victims -
gay blowjob auditions -
gay closet movies -
gay jerk off auditions -
gay men galore -
girls got cream -
glamour models gone bad -
granny got laid -
granny parts -
gushing gashes -
guys go crazy -
handjob lessons -
hardcore sweethearts -
heather wild -
hefty humpers -
he has tits -
hentai humpers -
hentai hussies -
his first threesome -
horny teen harlots -
huge dicks little chicks -
huge tit whores -
interracial intercourse -
jesse capelli -
kat young -
leg sex -
lesbian lessons -
lesbian recruiters -
lesbo rama -
linseys world -
lisa a daniels -
little teen suckers -
lonnie waters -
looker girls -
lucy summers -
lusty lezzies -
massive mergers -
mature hotel -
me and my pussy -
meat stick milkers -
mega penetrations -
mega porn mall -
messy gangbangs -
milf mother fuckers -
milf munchers -
milf riders -
military fantasy -
moms need cash -
monstrous melons -
movie erotica -
my black coeds -
my latina teen -
my tranny lover -
nasty ass lickers -
natalia cruze -
naughty allie -
naughty asian nymphos -
naughty julie -
naughty little nymphs -
naughty mag -
neighbor hood nymphos -
never done that before -
nicole peters -
old fart fuckin -
party hardcore -
pepes adventures -
petite beaver -
petite pinups -
pink eye sluts -
plug 2 holes -
preggo poontang -
pure teen porn -
pussy punishers -
real and natural -
reality porn pass -
real trannies -
road gangbangs -
rug munchin -
sadistic sluts -
sarennas world -
school bus chicks -
score videos -
senior slutfest -
seventeen live -
seventeen video -
sexy preggo sluts -
shay laren -
shemale schlongs -
show me gape -
shy teachers pet -
sin cindy -
smooth snatches -
sodomy studs -
squirting snatches -
straight goes gay -
superb teen snatch -
taco twats -
tasteless toons -
teach my ass -
teenages going wild -
teencore zine -
teen dirt bags -
teens go porn -
teens natural way -
teens try anal -
teens want orgies -
teen thrills -
terri summers -
tiffany towers -
tranny bangin -
tranny treats -
try teens -
tug job queens -
twinks from the hood -
two cocks one box -
victoria redd -
voluptuous -
we need new talents -
white bitch bangin -
white pussy black cocks -
white teens black cocks -
wild latina girls -
wild solos -
xl girls -
young stacy -
young throats -
his first facial -
18 eighteen -
40 something mag -
adult associate -
adult movie network -
adult video network -
adult xxx pornstars -
amateurs gone bad -
anal sex lessons -
anita dark -
asian cream -
autumn jade -
banged by a gang -
banging machines -
bangkok bangers -
beijing beavers -
big betty bangin -
big bush beavers -
big cock bangers -
big tit buffet -
big tit invasion -
bisexual bangers -
bitchin movies -
bobbi eden -
booty licious mag -
bound and banged -
brooke skye -
brown sugar sluts -
burrito bitches -
busty angelique -
busty dusty stash -
busty ines cudna -
busty kelly kay -
busty kerry marie -
busty merilyn -
butt bang boys -
butt bomber -
butt fuck bonanza -
cartoon cooters -
cartoon copulations -
cash strapped teens -
chloes world -
clit lickin lesbians -
club charlie -
college fuck tour -
college party time -
colossal cumshots -
corn hole cruisers -
crazy club chicks -
cream filled holes -
cream of cunt -
crissy moran -
cum filled throat -
cum swallowing lessons -
cum swapping bitches -
cum swapping twinks -
curious hunks -
cute halle -
desiraes world -
dick sucking dudes -
digi dolls -
dirty babysitter -
double dong divas -
double team suckers -
drill her butt -
drunk sex orgy -
ebony exclusive -
ebony girls online -
facial fiasco -
faith belle -
fatty farm -
filthy feeds -
filthy toon fuckers -
flabby females -
fucked by frank -
gangbanged girls -
gangbang lessons -
gangland victims -
gay blowjob auditions -
gay closet movies -
gay jerk off auditions -
gay men galore -
girls got cream -
glamour models gone bad -
granny got laid -
granny parts -
gushing gashes -
guys go crazy -
handjob lessons -
hardcore sweethearts -
heather wild -
hefty humpers -
he has tits -
hentai humpers -
hentai hussies -
his first threesome -
horny teen harlots -
huge dicks little chicks -
huge tit whores -
interracial intercourse -
jesse capelli -
kat young -
leg sex -
lesbian lessons -
lesbian recruiters -
lesbo rama -
linseys world -
lisa a daniels -
little teen suckers -
lonnie waters -
looker girls -
lucy summers -
lusty lezzies -
massive mergers -
mature hotel -
me and my pussy -
meat stick milkers -
mega penetrations -
mega porn mall -
messy gangbangs -
milf mother fuckers -
milf munchers -
milf riders -
military fantasy -
moms need cash -
monstrous melons -
movie erotica -
my black coeds -
my latina teen -
my tranny lover -
nasty ass lickers -
natalia cruze -
naughty allie -
naughty asian nymphos -
naughty julie -
naughty little nymphs -
naughty mag -
neighbor hood nymphos -
never done that before -
nicole peters -
old fart fuckin -
party hardcore -
pepes adventures -
petite beaver -
petite pinups -
pink eye sluts -
plug 2 holes -
preggo poontang -
pure teen porn -
pussy punishers -
real and natural -
reality porn pass -
real trannies -
road gangbangs -
rug munchin -
sadistic sluts -
sarennas world -
school bus chicks -
score videos -
senior slutfest -
seventeen live -
seventeen video -
sexy preggo sluts -
shay laren -
shemale schlongs -
show me gape -
shy teachers pet -
sin cindy -
smooth snatches -
sodomy studs -
squirting snatches -
straight goes gay -
superb teen snatch -
taco twats -
tasteless toons -
teach my ass -
teenages going wild -
teencore zine -
teen dirt bags -
teens go porn -
teens natural way -
teens try anal -
teens want orgies -
teen thrills -
terri summers -
tiffany towers -
tranny bangin -
tranny treats -
try teens -
tug job queens -
twinks from the hood -
two cocks one box -
victoria redd -
voluptuous -
we need new talents -
white bitch bangin -
white pussy black cocks -
white teens black cocks -
wild latina girls -
wild solos -
xl girls -
young stacy -
young throats -
his first gay sex -
18 eighteen -
40 something mag -
adult associate -
adult movie network -
adult video network -
adult xxx pornstars -
amateurs gone bad -
anal sex lessons -
anita dark -
asian cream -
autumn jade -
banged by a gang -
banging machines -
bangkok bangers -
beijing beavers -
big betty bangin -
big bush beavers -
big cock bangers -
big tit buffet -
big tit invasion -
bisexual bangers -
bitchin movies -
bobbi eden -
booty licious mag -
bound and banged -
brooke skye -
brown sugar sluts -
burrito bitches -
busty angelique -
busty dusty stash -
busty ines cudna -
busty kelly kay -
busty kerry marie -
busty merilyn -
butt bang boys -
butt bomber -
butt fuck bonanza -
cartoon cooters -
cartoon copulations -
cash strapped teens -
chloes world -
clit lickin lesbians -
club charlie -
college fuck tour -
college party time -
colossal cumshots -
corn hole cruisers -
crazy club chicks -
cream filled holes -
cream of cunt -
crissy moran -
cum filled throat -
cum swallowing lessons -
cum swapping bitches -
cum swapping twinks -
curious hunks -
cute halle -
desiraes world -
dick sucking dudes -
digi dolls -
dirty babysitter -
double dong divas -
double team suckers -
drill her butt -
drunk sex orgy -
ebony exclusive -
ebony girls online -
facial fiasco -
faith belle -
fatty farm -
filthy feeds -
filthy toon fuckers -
flabby females -
fucked by frank -
gangbanged girls -
gangbang lessons -
gangland victims -
gay blowjob auditions -
gay closet movies -
gay jerk off auditions -
gay men galore -
girls got cream -
glamour models gone bad -
granny got laid -
granny parts -
gushing gashes -
guys go crazy -
handjob lessons -
hardcore sweethearts -
heather wild -
hefty humpers -
he has tits -
hentai humpers -
hentai hussies -
his first threesome -
horny teen harlots -
huge dicks little chicks -
huge tit whores -
interracial intercourse -
jesse capelli -
kat young -
leg sex -
lesbian lessons -
lesbian recruiters -
lesbo rama -
linseys world -
lisa a daniels -
little teen suckers -
lonnie waters -
looker girls -
lucy summers -
lusty lezzies -
massive mergers -
mature hotel -
me and my pussy -
meat stick milkers -
mega penetrations -
mega porn mall -
messy gangbangs -
milf mother fuckers -
milf munchers -
milf riders -
military fantasy -
moms need cash -
monstrous melons -
movie erotica -
my black coeds -
my latina teen -
my tranny lover -
nasty ass lickers -
natalia cruze -
naughty allie -
naughty asian nymphos -
naughty julie -
naughty little nymphs -
naughty mag -
neighbor hood nymphos -
never done that before -
nicole peters -
old fart fuckin -
party hardcore -
pepes adventures -
petite beaver -
petite pinups -
pink eye sluts -
plug 2 holes -
preggo poontang -
pure teen porn -
pussy punishers -
real and natural -
reality porn pass -
real trannies -
road gangbangs -
rug munchin -
sadistic sluts -
sarennas world -
school bus chicks -
score videos -
senior slutfest -
seventeen live -
seventeen video -
sexy preggo sluts -
shay laren -
shemale schlongs -
show me gape -
shy teachers pet -
sin cindy -
smooth snatches -
sodomy studs -
squirting snatches -
straight goes gay -
superb teen snatch -
taco twats -
tasteless toons -
teach my ass -
teenages going wild -
teencore zine -
teen dirt bags -
teens go porn -
teens natural way -
teens try anal -
teens want orgies -
teen thrills -
terri summers -
tiffany towers -
tranny bangin -
tranny treats -
try teens -
tug job queens -
twinks from the hood -
two cocks one box -
victoria redd -
voluptuous -
we need new talents -
white bitch bangin -
white pussy black cocks -
white teens black cocks -
wild latina girls -
wild solos -
xl girls -
young stacy -
young throats -
his first huge cock -
18 eighteen -
40 something mag -
adult associate -
adult movie network -
adult video network -
adult xxx pornstars -
amateurs gone bad -
anal sex lessons -
anita dark -
asian cream -
autumn jade -
banged by a gang -
banging machines -
bangkok bangers -
beijing beavers -
big betty bangin -
big bush beavers -
big cock bangers -
big tit buffet -
big tit invasion -
bisexual bangers -
bitchin movies -
bobbi eden -
booty licious mag -
bound and banged -
brooke skye -
brown sugar sluts -
burrito bitches -
busty angelique -
busty dusty stash -
busty ines cudna -
busty kelly kay -
busty kerry marie -
busty merilyn -
butt bang boys -
butt bomber -
butt fuck bonanza -
cartoon cooters -
cartoon copulations -
cash strapped teens -
chloes world -
clit lickin lesbians -
club charlie -
college fuck tour -
college party time -
colossal cumshots -
corn hole cruisers -
crazy club chicks -
cream filled holes -
cream of cunt -
crissy moran -
cum filled throat -
cum swallowing lessons -
cum swapping bitches -
cum swapping twinks -
curious hunks -
cute halle -
desiraes world -
dick sucking dudes -
digi dolls -
dirty babysitter -
double dong divas -
double team suckers -
drill her butt -
drunk sex orgy -
ebony exclusive -
ebony girls online -
facial fiasco -
faith belle -
fatty farm -
filthy feeds -
filthy toon fuckers -
flabby females -
fucked by frank -
gangbanged girls -
gangbang lessons -
gangland victims -
gay blowjob auditions -
gay closet movies -
gay jerk off auditions -
gay men galore -
girls got cream -
glamour models gone bad -
granny got laid -
granny parts -
gushing gashes -
guys go crazy -
handjob lessons -
hardcore sweethearts -
heather wild -
hefty humpers -
he has tits -
hentai humpers -
hentai hussies -
his first threesome -
horny teen harlots -
huge dicks little chicks -
huge tit whores -
interracial intercourse -
jesse capelli -
kat young -
leg sex -
lesbian lessons -
lesbian recruiters -
lesbo rama -
linseys world -
lisa a daniels -
little teen suckers -
lonnie waters -
looker girls -
lucy summers -
lusty lezzies -
massive mergers -
mature hotel -
me and my pussy -
meat stick milkers -
mega penetrations -
mega porn mall -
messy gangbangs -
milf mother fuckers -
milf munchers -
milf riders -
military fantasy -
moms need cash -
monstrous melons -
movie erotica -
my black coeds -
my latina teen -
my tranny lover -
nasty ass lickers -
natalia cruze -
naughty allie -
naughty asian nymphos -
naughty julie -
naughty little nymphs -
naughty mag -
neighbor hood nymphos -
never done that before -
nicole peters -
old fart fuckin -
party hardcore -
pepes adventures -
petite beaver -
petite pinups -
pink eye sluts -
plug 2 holes -
preggo poontang -
pure teen porn -
pussy punishers -
real and natural -
reality porn pass -
real trannies -
road gangbangs -
rug munchin -
sadistic sluts -
sarennas world -
school bus chicks -
score videos -
senior slutfest -
seventeen live -
seventeen video -
sexy preggo sluts -
shay laren -
shemale schlongs -
show me gape -
shy teachers pet -
sin cindy -
smooth snatches -
sodomy studs -
squirting snatches -
straight goes gay -
superb teen snatch -
taco twats -
tasteless toons -
teach my ass -
teenages going wild -
teencore zine -
teen dirt bags -
teens go porn -
teens natural way -
teens try anal -
teens want orgies -
teen thrills -
terri summers -
tiffany towers -
tranny bangin -
tranny treats -
try teens -
tug job queens -
twinks from the hood -
two cocks one box -
victoria redd -
voluptuous -
we need new talents -
white bitch bangin -
white pussy black cocks -
white teens black cocks -
wild latina girls -
wild solos -
xl girls -
young stacy -
young throats -
hot campus teens -
18 eighteen -
40 something mag -
adult associate -
adult movie network -
adult video network -
adult xxx pornstars -
amateurs gone bad -
anal sex lessons -
anita dark -
asian cream -
autumn jade -
banged by a gang -
banging machines -
bangkok bangers -
beijing beavers -
big betty bangin -
big bush beavers -
big cock bangers -
big tit buffet -
big tit invasion -
bisexual bangers -
bitchin movies -
bobbi eden -
booty licious mag -
bound and banged -
brooke skye -
brown sugar sluts -
burrito bitches -
busty angelique -
busty dusty stash -
busty ines cudna -
busty kelly kay -
busty kerry marie -
busty merilyn -
butt bang boys -
butt bomber -
butt fuck bonanza -
cartoon cooters -
cartoon copulations -
cash strapped teens -
chloes world -
clit lickin lesbians -
club charlie -
college fuck tour -
college party time -
colossal cumshots -
corn hole cruisers -
crazy club chicks -
cream filled holes -
cream of cunt -
crissy moran -
cum filled throat -
cum swallowing lessons -
cum swapping bitches -
cum swapping twinks -
curious hunks -
cute halle -
desiraes world -
dick sucking dudes -
digi dolls -
dirty babysitter -
double dong divas -
double team suckers -
drill her butt -
drunk sex orgy -
ebony exclusive -
ebony girls online -
facial fiasco -
faith belle -
fatty farm -
filthy feeds -
filthy toon fuckers -
flabby females -
fucked by frank -
gangbanged girls -
gangbang lessons -
gangland victims -
gay blowjob auditions -
gay closet movies -
gay jerk off auditions -
gay men galore -
girls got cream -
glamour models gone bad -
granny got laid -
granny parts -
gushing gashes -
guys go crazy -
handjob lessons -
hardcore sweethearts -
heather wild -
hefty humpers -
he has tits -
hentai humpers -
hentai hussies -
his first threesome -
horny teen harlots -
huge dicks little chicks -
huge tit whores -
interracial intercourse -
jesse capelli -
kat young -
leg sex -
lesbian lessons -
lesbian recruiters -
lesbo rama -
linseys world -
lisa a daniels -
little teen suckers -
lonnie waters -
looker girls -
lucy summers -
lusty lezzies -
massive mergers -
mature hotel -
me and my pussy -
meat stick milkers -
mega penetrations -
mega porn mall -
messy gangbangs -
milf mother fuckers -
milf munchers -
milf riders -
military fantasy -
moms need cash -
monstrous melons -
movie erotica -
my black coeds -
my latina teen -
my tranny lover -
nasty ass lickers -
natalia cruze -
naughty allie -
naughty asian nymphos -
naughty julie -
naughty little nymphs -
naughty mag -
neighbor hood nymphos -
never done that before -
nicole peters -
old fart fuckin -
party hardcore -
pepes adventures -
petite beaver -
petite pinups -
pink eye sluts -
plug 2 holes -
preggo poontang -
pure teen porn -
pussy punishers -
real and natural -
reality porn pass -
real trannies -
road gangbangs -
rug munchin -
sadistic sluts -
sarennas world -
school bus chicks -
score videos -
senior slutfest -
seventeen live -
seventeen video -
sexy preggo sluts -
shay laren -
shemale schlongs -
show me gape -
shy teachers pet -
sin cindy -
smooth snatches -
sodomy studs -
squirting snatches -
straight goes gay -
superb teen snatch -
taco twats -
tasteless toons -
teach my ass -
teenages going wild -
teencore zine -
teen dirt bags -
teens go porn -
teens natural way -
teens try anal -
teens want orgies -
teen thrills -
terri summers -
tiffany towers -
tranny bangin -
tranny treats -
try teens -
tug job queens -
twinks from the hood -
two cocks one box -
victoria redd -
voluptuous -
we need new talents -
white bitch bangin -
white pussy black cocks -
white teens black cocks -
wild latina girls -
wild solos -
xl girls -
young stacy -
young throats -
hot muscle dudes -
18 eighteen -
40 something mag -
adult associate -
adult movie network -
adult video network -
adult xxx pornstars -
amateurs gone bad -
anal sex lessons -
anita dark -
asian cream -
autumn jade -
banged by a gang -
banging machines -
bangkok bangers -
beijing beavers -
big betty bangin -
big bush beavers -
big cock bangers -
big tit buffet -
big tit invasion -
bisexual bangers -
bitchin movies -
bobbi eden -
booty licious mag -
bound and banged -
brooke skye -
brown sugar sluts -
burrito bitches -
busty angelique -
busty dusty stash -
busty ines cudna -
busty kelly kay -
busty kerry marie -
busty merilyn -
butt bang boys -
butt bomber -
butt fuck bonanza -
cartoon cooters -
cartoon copulations -
cash strapped teens -
chloes world -
clit lickin lesbians -
club charlie -
college fuck tour -
college party time -
colossal cumshots -
corn hole cruisers -
crazy club chicks -
cream filled holes -
cream of cunt -
crissy moran -
cum filled throat -
cum swallowing lessons -
cum swapping bitches -
cum swapping twinks -
curious hunks -
cute halle -
desiraes world -
dick sucking dudes -
digi dolls -
dirty babysitter -
double dong divas -
double team suckers -
drill her butt -
drunk sex orgy -
ebony exclusive -
ebony girls online -
facial fiasco -
faith belle -
fatty farm -
filthy feeds -
filthy toon fuckers -
flabby females -
fucked by frank -
gangbanged girls -
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